_ are the students in NSLab.
Conference Publications
Network-Accelerated Multiget Coordination for Distributed Key-Value Stores
Jiyoon Bang and Gyuyeong Kim
CCGrid 2025 (A/R: 55/219 = 25.1%)Pushing the Limits of In-Network Caching for Key-Value Stores
Gyuyeong Kim
NSDI 2025 (A/R: 83/666 = 12.4%)
[pdf]NetClone: Fast, Scalable, and Dynamic Request Cloning for Microsecond-Scale RPCs
Gyuyeong Kim
SIGCOMM 2023 (A/R: 71/323 = 21.9%)
[pdf | slides (live) | talk (live) | talk (prerecorded) |code | press coverage]In-Network Leaderless Replication for Distributed Data Stores
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
VLDB 2022 (A/R: 189 /751= 25.1%)
[pdf | slides]Protocol-Independent Service Queue Isolation for Multi-Queue Data Centers
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
ICDCS 2020 (A/R: 105/584 = 17.9%)
[pdf | slides]Service Function Chaining on Programmable Data Plane
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
ICCE-Asia 2020
[pdf | slides | code]Stable Matching with Ties for Cloud-assisted Smart TV Services
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
ICCE 2014Cannot Take My Allocation: Enforcing Fairness by Considering Demand and Payment in Clouds
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
NoF 2013.Virtual Machines Placement for Network Isolation in Clouds
Gyuyeong Kim, Hoorin Park, Jieun Yu, and Wonjun Lee
RACS 2012
Journal Publications
Dalio: In-Kernel Centralized Replication for Key-Value Stores
Gyuyeong Kim
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, February 2025.
JCR2023 Top 87.60% in CS, Information SystemsSwitch-based Quorum Coordination for Low Tail Latency in Replicated Storage
Gyuyeong Kim
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, November 2023.
JCR2023 Top 87.60% in CS, Information SystemsHolistic In-Network Acceleration for Heavy-Tailed Storage Workloads
Gyuyeong Kim
IEEE Access, July 2023. [pdf]
JCR2023 Top 34.56% in Electrical & Electronic EngineeringDynaQ: Enabling Protocol-Independent Service Queue Isolation in Cloud Data Centers
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, January/March 2023. [pdf]
JCR2023 Top 11.80% in CS, Theory & MethodsLossPass: Absorbing Microbursts by Packet Eviction for Data Center Networks
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, October/December 2022. [pdf | slides]
JCR2023 Top 11.80% in CS, Theory & MethodsNetwork Policy Enforcement with Commodity Multiqueue NICs for Multi-Tenant Data Centers
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, April 2022. [pdf | slides]
JCR2023 Top 3.60% in CS, Information SystemsEnabling Service Queue Isolation in Multi-Tenant Data Centers
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
IEEE Communications Letters, November 2019.
JCR2023 Top 33.61% in Telecommunications
Absorbing Microbursts without Headroom for Data Center Networks
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
IEEE Communications Letters, May 2019.
JCR2023 Top 33.61% in TelecommunicationsTardy Flow Scheduling in Data Center Networks
Gyuyeong Kim and Wonjun Lee
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, September 2016.
JCR2023 Top 87.60% in CS, Information Systems
Domestic Publications
XDP 기반 인-메모리 키-밸류 스토어 성능 분석
Jihyun Lee and Gyuyeong Kim
KIISE Korea Software Congress (KSC), December 2024 (우수논문상).프로그래머블 스위치를 활용한 고성능 분산 멀티겟 데이터 저장소
Jiyoon Bang and Gyuyeong Kim
KIISE Korea Computer Congress (KCC), June 2023.데이터 크기 분포가 분산 데이터 저장소의 성능에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
Jisoo Hwang and Gyuyeong Kim
KIISE Korea Software Congress (KSC), December 2022.프로그래머블 스위치를 활용한 알고리즘의 근사적 구현 연구 동향
Jiyoon Bang and Gyuyeong Kim
KIISE Korea Software Congress (KSC), December 2022.프로그래머블 스위치의 자원 제약을 극복하기 위해 특수 연산을 활용한 인-네트워크 컴퓨팅 연구 동향
Yoojin Song and Gyuyeong Kim
KIISE Korea Software Congress (KSC), December 2022.